Golf Course Organic

  • 4 evenly timed applications of organic based granular fertilizer, all of which will be slow release.
  • At the same time, 3 applications of 3 way herbicide. Only to be used with your permission, and as needed. Using spot treatment whenever possible, to reduce chemical usage on your lawn when feasible.
  • Written recommendations with each visit so your yard work compliments our efforts.
  • Full program (4 application package) for $245 including GST.
  • Individual visits available for $65 + tax.



Quick Lawn Tips

We work with you to develop a healthy, beautiful lawn. Keep these tips in mind:

  • ✓ Do
    ✓ Keep the height of your lawn mower up to 2 - 2½ inches during the growing season. This will reduce the chance of drought and heat affecting the lawn.
  • ✗ Don't
    ✗ Don't let grass get too long and then "shave" it down in one cut.
  • ✓ Do
    ✓ When watering, make sure the lawn is watered heavily. Light watering gives rise to shallow roots and weak lawns.

    ✓ Cut lawn on a regular basis, once per week during growing season.
  • ✗ Don't
    ✗ Don't leave clumps of grass sitting on top of the lawn after you have cut.

    ✗ Don't water during the hot periods of the day - between 11am-4pm. Between 5am-10am is ideal.